Helping You Adjust to a New Life Chapter
The financial advisors at Ruedi Wealth specialize in retirement planning. We have a passion for helping people transition into life without a paycheck, and find that a successful retirement requires thoughtful planning in advance, careful management of the transition period, and a relationship with a trusted advisor throughout.
Retirement Planning Issues We Address
Retirement Age
When can I retire with the lifestyle I want? How does retiring sooner or later impact my retirement plan?
Retirement Spending
How much can I spend each year in retirement? What can I do to maximize my retirement income? How might my retirement income change over time?
Portfolio Withdrawals
How much can I withdraw from my investments each year? How will I know if I need to adjust my portfolio withdrawal amount? Which accounts should I withdraw from first?
Tax Minimization
How can I minimize taxes on my investment portfolio? What is the most tax-efficient way to withdraw from my investment accounts? What else can I do to minimize taxes?
Social Security
When is the optimal age for me to claim Social Security? How does claiming earlier or later impact my retirement plan? If we delay Social Security, how will we make up for the foregone income in the early years of retirement?
Pension vs. Lump Sum
Should I claim the pension option (guaranteed annual payments) or take the lump sum option?
How will I fund healthcare in retirement? Should I choose Traditional Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan? If I retire before 65, can I afford private health insurance? Are there ways to keep my income down to qualify for a healthcare subsidy?
Long-Term Care
How will I fund long-term care? Should I purchase long-term care insurance or self-fund long-term care expenses? How would long-term care expenses impact my retirement plan?

Want to learn more about our retirement planning process?
Download our retirement guide e-book!