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On the Money: Dividend Stocks and Investing Entirely in Bonds Thumbnail

On the Money: Dividend Stocks and Investing Entirely in Bonds

On this episode of "On the Money," Paul Ruedi, David Ruedi, Ryan Repko, and Dr. Fred Giertz answer caller questions and discuss dividend-paying stocks, record low market volatility, and investing entirely in bonds.


(1:55) Caller question: What would be the investment implications of a conflict with a major country like China?

(7:33) How often do dividends outpace inflation?

(12:08) Yellen not concerned about level of national debt

(15:37) Caller question: Prioritizing investing in dividends

(18:44) Is there any benefit to owning actual stocks and their physical certificates?

(24:11) A small number of “super stocks” drive the returns of the market

(31:43) Record low market volatility

(35:55) What to expect when investing in stocks

(40:18) Defining “money” and “safety”

(49:27) Example of a client who wants to invest entirely in bonds